Monday, December 15, 2008

flirting with temptation

To emphasize... the dangers of flirting with temptation there is an oft-told story of three men who applied for the job of driving the coaches for a transportation company. The successful applicant would be driving over high, dangerous and precipitous mountain roads. Asked how well he could drive, the first one replied: "I am a good, experienced driver. I can drive so close to the edge of the precipice that the wide metal tire of the vehicle will skirt the edge and never go off."

"That is good driving," said the employer.

The second man boasted, "Oh, I can do, better than that. I can drive so accurately that the tire of the vehicle will lap over, half of the tire on the edge of the precipice, and the other half in the air over the edge."

The employer wondered what the third man could offer, and was surprised and pleased to hear, "Well, sir, I can keep just as far away from the edge as possible." It is needless to ask which of the men got the job.

Spencer W. Kimball, The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball. 1969. p. 217, 218

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