Friday, May 6, 2011

I am human and you are God

To pray means to stop expecting from God the same small-mindedness which you discover in yourself. To pray is to walk in the full light of God and to say simply, without holding back, “I am human and you are God.” At that moment, conversion occurs, the restoration of the true relationship. A human being is not someone who once in a while makes a mistake, and God is not someone who now and then forgives. No! Human beings are sinners and God is love…. This conversion brings with it the relaxation which lets you breathe again and puts you at rest in the embrace of a forgiving God.

Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Only Necessary Thing: Living A Prayerful Life, Compiled & Edited by Wendy Wilson Greer. 1999. p. 158, 159.  Originally quoted in With Open Hands. 1974.

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