Friday, March 10, 2023

Callings: Treat it as a call from God and give an automatic yes. In other words, the magic calling approach. It is practiced by many members. But that's not how the system really works, and you know better. Even by the Handbook, leaders are supposed to seek the guidance of the Spirit and consider worthiness, personal or family circumstances, benefit to the people who will be served, benefit to the member (the person being called), benefit to the member's family, ability to fulfill family and employment responsibilities, and the effect of the calling on the marriage and family (GH 30.1.1). There is no way the bishop or the entire bishopric or the entire stake presidency know all of that without your help.  

The better way is to approach the conversation as an adult-to-adult conversation. Not order taking or order giving. If you let yourself walk into a meeting with the attitude of a child summoned by their parent, you didn't get the message; that is not a good survival strategy. What you want is an adult talking with an adult seeking understanding and sharing information. All with a bias toward saying yes. 

Living on the Inside of the Edge by Christian Kimball. Common Consent Press. 2023. p. 139

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