Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Now the Lord has placed us on probation as members of the Church. He has given us the Book of Mormon, which is the lesser part, to build up our faith through our obedience to the counsels which it contains, and when we ourselves, members of the Church, are willing to keep the commandments as they have been given to us and show our faith as the Nephites did for a short period of time, then the Lord is ready to bring forth the other record and give it to us, but we are not ready now to receive it. Why? Because we have not lived up to the requirements in this probationary state in the reading of the record which had been given to us and in following its counsels.

Joseph Fielding Smith (1876–1972) was the tenth president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1970 until his death. Conference Report, October 1961, p.20 (see Ether 4:1-16)

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