Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I understand from them that the Lord claims the earth as His; that it is not yours and mine to own and manage independently of Him. No matter how many stocks and bonds or how much land and other properties we possess, they are not wholly ours. They are His. He further says that He owns and gives to us all the blessings we have and that He makes us stewards over them. He makes it clear that it is His purpose to provide for His saints, but He requires that it be done in His way. His way, which way He explains, is for those who have to contribute to those who have not. Having made us stewards, He gives us our agency however, and then lays down the condition that if we accept these blessings and refuse to contribute our share for the care of the poor, we shall go to - well, He tells us where we shall go. . . .

The revelation from which this is taken was given to us in this dispensation for our guidance. In light of it, do you think that this matter of taking care of the poor is one that we can disregard and still obtain the blessings of the Lord? Not at all. We do it, or we pay the penalty.

Marion G. Romney, Pure Religion: The Story of Church Welfare Since 1930 by Glen L. Rudd. 1995. p.291 Remarks originally given in Regional Representatives' seminar, 29 Sept. 1978.

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