Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Baptism as a symbol is first a physical witness of the faith and repentance of the candidate. Second, it is the signature to a covenant with God to accept and to obey the divine plan of salvation. Third, the mode of baptism, by immersion, is an acceptance of the leadership of Jesus the Christ, for the temporary burial in the water symbolizes the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ and becomes also a promise of man's resurrection from the grave. Fourth, baptism has a cleansing effect. As water is a cleansing agent, so baptism, with all that has preceded it, will prevent past errors of the candidate from standing in the way of his future progress. He may have to pay the physical price for his errors, but they will not hence-forth handicap him in his battle for celestial glory. Fifth, baptism is the authorized mode of entrance into the Church of Jesus Christ.

John A. Widtsoe, Joseph Smith: Seeker After Truth - Prophet of God. By John A. Witdsoe. 1951. P.164

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