Tuesday, May 30, 2023

learn to carry peace

The first thing you need to be a peacemaker is to value peace. When you learn to carry peace, you know how to bring peace to your environment, even though others may be prone to chaos. In Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 7 the prophet said, "Also seek the peace and the prosperity of the city to which I've carried you into exile, pray to the Lord for it. Because if it prospers, you too will prosper." Here's the background and context for that verse. People are being brought into captivity as slaves against their judgment and desires. As this is happening, Jeremiah prophesies, the Lord says to seek the peace and the prosperity of the city, to which I carried you into exile. In other words, it doesn't matter if you don't like the job where you are. It doesn't matter if everything in the home is not working out fine. It doesn't matter if you don't have enough money in the bank. It doesn't matter if your health is not a hundred percent there. It doesn't matter.

There's no denying that those things are important. But what the scripture is saying is this: If you're going to become a carrier of peace, which peacemakers must do and must be, you must check your attitude because it's not dependent on where you are and who you're with and what's going on, because the scriptures calls us to be peacemakers. 

Claire Dibble

Sacrament Meeting Talk. Lithia Ward. Brandon Florida Stake. May 28, 2023

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