Monday, January 29, 2024

stand together as believers

Lastly, I wanted to touch on Elder Stevenson's talk: Promptings of the spirit.

In this talk he touches on a couple ways we are able to feel the spirit better. He first says, "to stand in Holy Places." This was difficult for me because I don't have access to a temple in my mission. I then thought to myself how can I make a holy place since I don’t have a Temple or a church? Well luckily for me Elder Stevenson helped me out by also saying, "to stand with holy people and testify of holy truths." We have a handful of firm members here and as a missionary I testify of holy truths every day. So, a temple is not only a holy place, but also the members and missionaries. I came to the conclusion I can make a holy place by continuing to testify of holy truths and help people grow their testimonies and shine their light to others. I testify that we as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and anyone who believes in Christ can become a holy place and continue to feel the Holy Ghost throughout our lives as we testify of Holy Truths and stand together as believers in Christ.

Elder Scott Hull

"Elder Hull's Mission Letter," Jan. 29, 2024 (email)

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