Friday, January 26, 2024

the dews of Carmel

Located in northwestern Israel is a beautiful mountain range often referred to as the “evergreen mountain.” Mount Carmel stays green year-round due largely in part to tiny amounts of dew. Nourishment happens daily. Like “the dews of Carmel,”(see D&C 128:19) as we seek to nourish our souls “with things pertaining to righteousness,” (see Mosiah 23:18) “small and simple things,” (see Alma 37:6) our testimonies and the testimonies of our children will live!

Amy A. Wright

"Abide the Day in Christ," General Conference October 2023

“Dewfall provides a limited amount of moisture even during the dry summer, and is important to summer crops such as watermelon. The nearer the area to the sea, the better are its prospects for dewfall on windless nights when the soil grows colder than the air which touches its surface. In general, the Coastal Plain has more dew than inland regions; richest is Mount Carmel, which has an average 250 nights of dew per year” (Efraim Orni and Elisha Efrat, Geography of Israel, 3rd rev. ed. [1971], 147).

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