Thursday, March 9, 2023

invest in relationships with other people

Ari Shapiro of NPR: ...If people could change one thing in their lives to be happier, what should they choose, according to the data?

Dr. Robert Waldinger, one of the authors of The Good Life: Lessons from the world's longest scientific study of happiness: They should invest in their relationships with other people. We found that the strongest predictors of who not just stayed happy but who was healthy as they went through life - the strongest predictors were the warmth and the quality of their relationships with other people.

SHAPIRO: Does it matter whether we're talking about friends, spouses, coworkers, other kinds of relationships?

WALDINGER: It doesn't matter. We get benefits from all of those kinds of relationships, including the person who makes our coffee for us in the morning, including the person who delivers our mail. We get little hits of well-being in all these different kinds of relationships.

Author Interview: What's the #1 thing to change to be happier? A top happiness researcher weighs in. Ari Shapiro and Robert Waldinger. NPR. January 10, 2023.

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